Pitching Workouts

Winning Workouts For Pitchers!

Growing up I was obsessed with Baseball. Just like every other kid, I knew I was going to play major league Baseball. My parents must have spent over $20,000 just on my education about pitching mechanics; that is no exaggeration. As a youth I was always tall so my parents and other high school coaches always tried to get me to play other sports, but I was never all that interested. Baseball was my game and Pitching was what I did best.

When I was involved in little league baseball I pitched the majority of the time. In my mind, pitching was the only thing worth pursuing and it consumed the majority of my time. I don’t regret a minute of it because of what I do for a living now. I was simply intrigued by every aspect of the game. Particularly pitching, where, at the early age of 10 I dedicated a lot of my time learning about pitching mechanics and pitching specific workout routines.

One year, I believe I was in Junior High at the time; I was studying the way Nolan Ryan threw the baseball. I became more intrigued in the way he was working out. I started doing light dumbbell workouts and elastic cord workout programs the way Nolan did them. At the end of that year I must have tried every pitching specific routine available at the time. There was only one problem; I didn’t have the time to keep up with all of them at once.

Every pitcher should have a regular workout program. However, you have to pick and choose which workouts are going to be best for you or you will find yourself being overwhelmed with all you have to accomplish. Make sure when you get involved with a new workout program you find a great workout partner. A great partner will be there for you to help you be consistent with your workouts and ensure you are on pace to reach your goals.

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